Digital Video
Storyboard | Filming | Editing | Distribution
Filming professional affordable film content for every creative arena. Cog Media offers clients a full filming service. We provide the high quality cameras for all your needs ranging from short clips to long videos. We have worked with Lotus Cars, Volvo, Nissan, Bernard Matthews, Angel Champagne, Medical Travel Compared, Local councils and many other small and big companies. Our portfolio is always growing with professional filming!
From conferences to corporate promos, vox pops, testimonials and instructional videos, Cog Media can handle any of your filming needs. We offer the complete video production package to suit all needs and budgets and will WOW your target audience.
Viral Video Production & Promo Adverts
Viral video content productions are a great way of getting your name out into the big wide world. Fresh, fun and unforgettable… If we can stick a camera in front of it and it’s legal, our crew will get you the footage to get you noticed on the web. With post production we can add in effects and 3D animations for that wow factor.

Telling your story
From promotional and training videos through to music videos and conference intros we can offer a complete service. With two Non Linear Editing suites and a mobile suite Cog offer a truly flexible service.
Because no two projects are the same we take a fresh approach to every project that comes through the door.
What do you get…?
With our video production services you get an operator with all the tools to provide a polished end result. 2D and 3D graphics, special effects, titles and music tracks all come together in one seamless package.