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PowerPoint Production

Slideoligy : The art of presentation design

PowerPoint Presentation Design

COGmedia can offer creative and strategic full-mix marketing solutions that deliver for your business. 

Having sat through hundreds of PowerPoint presentations at conferences all over the world we feel we have a good eye for a good presentation. At COGmedia we create PowerPoint presentations that will support your delivery and not overtake it or distract from you as a presenter. Less is defiantly more when it come to a good presentation.

RenEnergy PowerPoint Design

We don’t do death by PowerPoint

Ever since the first cavemen daubed animals, symbols and shapes on their cave walls man has used visuals to tell a story. The art of visual communication was taken to the next level by the ancient Egyptians. Clean and well presented imagery used to share information that can still be understood today… we draw on these timeless ideas of using imagery to communicate a message with our presentation slide decks.

Right on the message

One area we specialise in is taking your existing PowerPoint and re-formatting its flow based on how it’s to be used. There’s no point in cramming so much information on a slide your audience cant take it all in or missing the main message for that slide.

We are a great believer in a picture paints a thousand words and use this to good effect in our presentations. Video is another outstanding way to get your message across or opening a presentation, we can encode any existing content you may have or produce video clips ready to drop into your slides.

Slide templates

PowerPoint slide template masters make your life easy if you are producing a constant stream of presentations. We can produce a template master tool kit, formatting your slide decks layout, notes field and creating a set of corporate linked images logos to make sure you always look your best.