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One door closes and another one opens

Dessert Lounge Norwich One door closes another opens

One door closes and another one opens, never a truer word said. When the sad news that a client was going to close its was more than upsetting. Having watched the Andy and the team go from logo thru signage production and menu design, tasting the all their delicious wares along the way we felt like part of the team.

Sweet beginnings

A few short weeks after the Smokehouse shut it doors for the last time Andy sent the new owners our way to continue where we had left off.

New Logo Design

The new team had a model they wanted to follow and whilst paying homage to the Norwich Smokehouse original logo. So let’s face it they came to the right place. With only a screen grab and reference to the London takeaway we set out the logo design. Knowing we’d need to to work in signage and website but also as an avatar we created a logo that could be adapted to work in all arenas. Looking to be as cost effective as possible an early candidate for the logo was sent over to the guys.

Dessert Lounge Norwich Logo concept and Final version

With just a font change from our first concept the new brand was created for Dessert Lounge Norwich. As with all our logo designs we created the reversed and avatar versions to be used in all the usual social media platforms.

Shop Signage Design

Having worked on the signage for Norwich Smokehouse we had all the measurements and files on hand to create the Dessert Lounge Norwich’s new sign. Wanting to stand out from the crowd, we were asked to create a 3D sign making the logo element stand forward of the exiting illuminated tray. Creating layers in Adobe Illustrator for each part of the sign we soon had it in out 3D package to see how it would all come together. With the smallest of tweaks based on feedback from the sign company a final set of artwork was created and it was over to Fitt Signs & Graphics to craft the new face for the Dessert Lounge Norwich.

Dessert Lounge 3D Extruded Signage Design


Can you do menus?

As we were involved with most things with the Norwich Smokehouse the next part of the journey with DLN was to create the new menu design, As the saying goes you “eat with your eyes” the task was to make the menu as eye catching as possible. Time to have some fun with the layout and new branding! Not normally a fan of ramming a menu full of images we took a different stance with the menu this time. Adding in instantly recognisable logos for all to delicious shakes DLN would be selling makes the mouth water. We are certainly looking forward to trying each and every one of them!

Dessert Lounge Norwich COG media menu design

Animated preview for the 4 panel menu indicating folds and opening


Digital Menu Screens

Taking the menu designs to the next level DLN had 6 50″ screens installed in the shop. 5 spanning the whole of the rear wall. We lifted the Adobe InDesign layouts and dropped them into for format that was more suited to the 16:9 screen format. Trying both animated and still content the screens will look amazing and be a great addition to the brand and customer experience.  Adobe After Effects allowed us to come up with some subtle overlays and effects to bring the menus to life. 

Dessert Lounge Norwich Digital Menu Screens


One door closes and another one opens

Its been an amazing journey so far working as part of the team bringing Dessert Lounge Norwich to life. It’s great when a client includes you in design decisions and keeps you updated along the way on the transformations moving forward incorporating our designs.

Dessert Lounge Norwich Branded Face Masks

Even though we are coming out of the other side of COVID the guys at DLN have safe in mind, branded facemasks for all the staff while serving customers.