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We’re now Marketing… Another string to our bow

Norwich Norfolk Marketing Services

We are please to announce the COG media is now able to offer a plethora of marketing services.

Content Marketing

Cog Media can help you create web content that really works for your business. We look at what sort of content will perform well and what sort of content your target audience is consuming to create a robust content marketing plan.

Our content marketing team have experience producing a wide range of content from newsletters to brochures, magazines to infographics and anything and everything in-between.
We can also help you to create digital media assets to drive engagement and increase your brand awareness.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to get your content in front of your customers and COG media can help you build must-click emails and write brilliant content to maximise your return.
We can bring your database of customers and leads to life by giving them well designed content that is worth reading straight into their inbox.
COG media’s team are up to date on all things GDPR, so you can be confident that your and your customers’ data is in safe hands.

Pay Per Click Marketing

COGmedia can help you to understand what PPC campaigns are and how or if they can help your business. PCC campaigns can be a very cost-effective way of increasing your visibility for key search terms that your business wouldn’t otherwise rank highly for in organic searches.

We will manage your campaign to ensure that your spend delivers qualified leads, i.e. people who we know are actively searching for your product or service.

Marketing Analytics

If you want to know more about how visitors are interacting with your website and your campaigns, Cog Media can help you to make the most of your Google and Social Media Analytics.

You are already collecting a huge amount of data that you can do so much with. You can measure performance, track progress against key performance indicators (KPIs) and use your data to prove any assumptions you have.

We can help you today!

COGmedia can help you to understand, interpret and analyse your data and use it to refine your activity and increase the return on your investment.