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Belmont Roofing Commercial Photo Shoot

Roofing Commercial Photo shoot

Office and Staff photo shoot

With COG media designing the new Belmont Roofing website it as an obvious choice for us to do all the photography.  The Belmont Roofing commercial photo shoot was to capture office scenes and head shots to complete the website update.  One by one all the staff members filed in ready for their close up. We had all the usual banter about photoshopping this and air brushing that. Then it was time to get all the department photography. Belmont Roofing draw on the  old and new when it comes to their design department. With Doug not wanting the head and shoulder shots we finally got him in front of the camera. It was  a delightful insight into his years of experience having him explain how he make to be a drafts-man. There is still a place for his skills in this day high tech and computers.c

Photo Editing and final images

Back from the Belmont Roofing commercial photo shoot and in the studio photographs were all downloaded and ready to be processing. Firstly all the head shots were made ready for background removal and fine tuning. A uniform backdrop was placed behind all the staff… Except Doug… With all the photographs cropped, compress and made ready for the website revamp all the imagery was ready to upload. 

As an extension of the website photography project Belmont Roofing had COG media update and give all their portfolio PDF’s and spec sheets a visual update. These can now be found on the Belmont Roofing website.

Are you ready for your close-up?

Contact us today and we’ll talk you through our full photograph services. Whether it’s corporate head shots, that awesome new product or conference coverage we got you covered.