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Conference Norfolk Waste Awards 2009

Norfolk County Council had us racking up the miles videoing winners clips for the their Waste Awards 2009. Heading all over Norfolk we en-counted Schools, business, individuals, even the Royal Air Force.

Watchout Show for Fusion in the Forum Trust

Then it was on the the show content, we created a massive animated video wall for the meet and great area in the Forum Trust Fusion. 3D renders of the Awards and their nominees set the scene for the coming event.

PowerPoint for the Awards

Once we had all the clips edited together and approved by all involved it was time to build the PowerPoint presentation to stitch it all together. Using the theme from the Fusion welcome area all show used the 3D award elements to introduce each category with each of the nominees images and titles building up to allow for their recognition of their achievement of being a finalist. Then once Carol Bundock relieved with winner their name magically was etched on the award on the screen.


[vc_video title=”Waste Awards 2009 Into” link=”″]