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Website revamp time for a new look

Website Revamp for SH Recruitment

When one of our clients came to us with the idea to have a website revamp, we were all ears. Their local marketing agency had come up with some social media content and wanted the website to match. Its always interesting to get another persons take on a business website.

A zoom call to get to get a feel for how the website revamp was going to go proved invaluable. We have set requirements for our recruitment websites set by the parent company. This allows all the tech in the background to keep working.


Website Revamp Design

Once we had the new user experience framework a development area was set. This allowed us to use our clients existing data for the development. The new look header and footer design was soon completed and set live on the existing site.

We could then set about the graphic heavy design layout functioning on all platforms. Firstly a desktop was produced in Elementor. We could quickly see we’d need to box clever when it came for screen formatting. To ensure the website revamp functioned on all screen sizes including ultrawide screens we had to be cleaver with dimensions. Going from the largest platform we then produced the mobile layout. With a few tweaks to how the image heavy pages worked we quickly had the initial UX we’d been sent running.  SH Recruitments website was soon ready the demo. Sam came back with a few working changes and functionality modifications and we were ready to go live. Keeping the page naming structure in place meant all the SEO in place kept inline with Google.

Is it time for a website update?

COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start selling to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting!