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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2012

MacMillan Coffee Morning 2012

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan Cancer Support’s biggest fundraising event. They are asking people across the UK to hold a coffee morning.
Donations on the day are made to Macmillan. In 2011 51,000 people signed up to coffee morning.Together the coffee mornings raised a record £10 million. We’re going to help Macmillan try and top that this year…

Coffee, Teas & other refreshments will be sale with all proceeds going to Macmillan Coffee Morning campaign. COGmedia, Dotcolour & Redcap will be baking cakes for the day. If you want to bring a cake along to raise some cash feel free! COGmedia will be raffling off design service on the day. You’ll have to come along to see what were offering. Dotcolour will have all the digital print services available with a donation being made to Macmillan for every purchases.

COGmedia, Dotcolour and Redcap Associates will be supporting the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on September 28th. Come and along and help us raise money for a great charity, sip some coffee and try a few cakes…

COGmedia will be offering a FREE design service on the day… You’ll have to come along to see what were offering. So make sure you bring your business cards along to be in the chance to win.

Dotcolour will have all the digital print services available with a donation being made to Macmillan for every purchase.