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Web Page Design – Old world meeting new media

COGmedia stained glass window

Our latest web page design has gone live. We were excited in the studio to take on the website design overhaul for MC Lead Glazing. Their medieval craft has had a twenty first century window on the world (forgive the pun).
The initial transfer was tricky. Before we started on the website update we had an issue getting to their original site. With a second site produced by Yell as their main presence on the internet we had no details access the domain they wanted to use. A few weeks of tracking down the trail of who had what we finally tracked down all the information we needed. Its was only then we could start the design process…


Web Page Design

Tapping into an extensive photography library the client was keen for us to show the story behind the process as opposed to the finished results. With all our new websites we have used a WordPress theme that we can tailor to MC Lead Glazing’s industry. As they work in one of the oldest art forms we chose an old theme that compliment the environment their finished pieces would adorn. The web page design was created to function on all platform in both landscape and portrait view on mobile devices. This is one of the beauties of the WordPress theme we have developed. The hard work has been done in advance so all we or the client needs to do is add the content.