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Hot Hands Reiki Logo Design

Hot Hands Reiki Logo Design

A new company for Norwich and a new client for COGmedia. On the recommendation of an existing client Chris Dalton a Reiki Master approached us to design his new business images from the ground up. We set about getting to know Chris and the art of Reiki. Once we had our head round what Reiki was all about… and having a quick session in the studio we produced a number of conceptual designs. One of the designs was very close to what Chris had in mind and with a visit the studio he sat with us to come up with the perfect logo for his new business.

Now we had the logo it was over the website, banners, work tops, business card and flyer designs.

Hot Hands Reiki’s logo had to work on a number of mediums… paper, screen and clothing, our finalised design was created to allow for vinyl cutting so it was over to Dotcolour to apply the three colour logo we had produced Chris’s work tops. As he’d requested both white and black tops two variations of the logo were cut and applied.

Because we had all of Hot Hands Reiki’s marketing platforms we could produce artwork that would work as a business card as well as a website. Chris was open to all our suggestions and with that we booked a photo session. Armed with his new work tops we had promotional photographs shot.

Back to to our studio we set about producing the artwork for the business cards. Chris signed off our first concept so it was off to the printers…

The website came next. Chris selected a theme he wished to use, so we set about putting the ideas and photographs we had into action. A clean slider for the home page had the images of Chris with lots of post production adding flames and lighting effects to portray the healing potential of Reiki. Chris supplied us with some great content and was very easy to applied imagery to complete the text on the page. In becoming a Reiki Master Chris has seen a number of patients already so we had a few great testimonials which we added the website. A QR code for the website was created that linked to Google Analytics so Chris could track how well the his new website was working.