3D Rendered Trade Stand Wows Show

3D Rendered Trade Stand 2024

Rewind 4 years, before the world was thrown into turmoil by covid. We’d made a start on a video and trade stand package for our long term client Innovatium. The 3D rendered trade stand would have complimented the video we had been commissioned to do ahead of the show. We are all fired up to have some fun with the 3D visuals… Then we all know what happened next

Cut your render to suit for stand

The guys at Innovatium wanted to utilise one of first 3D rendered jobs we did form adapting to work with the the trade stand manufactures scaled plans. So we were not just creating one image for a pop up stand but the entire space, cupboards, fridge surround and two massive walls, both of different sizes. With two 55 inch TV screens hanging as part of each wall we had to create our background images inch perfect. As we were going to have the storage units in front of what would have been part of out render, we had a little fun extending our 3D flooring and adding in some water droplets.


Your van made perfect

Make Your Van Perfect

Your van made perfect

Proof the social media is a great marketing tool was our latest 3D project. Eastbourne… yes Eastbourne based plant supplier Athelas Plants got in touch after seeing our 3D Van wrap for MN Landscapes. Our Pinterest post detailing the 3D project to create a set on images that looked like the sides and rear had been removed from the vehicle caught Matts eye.

Athelas Plants are not strangers to the world of 3D as suppliers to the BBC programme “Your Garden Made Perfect”  suppling plants for a number of episodes.  Not having their van at the start of the project we went on the hunt for good images of the van to start modelling  the basic shell of of the project.

Athelas Plants Van 3D Wrap Concept

Working with what imagery we could source and the 3D van internals created we could set about adding the the plants. Firstly we got wish list of plants Matt wanted to see on the back on the van.  To keep the budget as low as we could 3D libraries were used to get some of the plants. 

Athelas Plants Van 3D Wrap With Plants

The feedback came in proving we’re designers not horticulturists. With the house plants removed and the focus turn entirely towards the plants and not fancy pots. Slowly the van started to fill the some exotic plants and terracotta pots and of course we had to slip the COG media 3D logo in somewhere. With more flowers creeping in the scene was becoming more and more colourful. Next the statement trees were added with sticking yellows and reds… The scene was close to being finished. 

Finally with the all the pots and planets placed and fine tuned to fit round wheel arches and fixtures and fittings we could turn our attention to the rear doors. A new thing to think about was the large framework around each door and the join in the middle. It was soon very clear that our big and clear sign that worked perfectly for the sides would not work for the rear of the van.

Athelas Plants 3D Van Rear Doors Concept Mockup

With a new layout worked on and a square version of the sign dropped in it was time for the renders to start. It was the first major job for our new render machine. An intel i9 wit 32 threads at our disposal they were all pushed to the limit with over 8 million polygons in the project. With lot of the surfaces were reflective and different levels of opacity it was clear that this would not be an over night render. With the first render set off and one crash under its belt a new approach was necessary.  Splitting the render into sections was the answer. 

Athelas Plants 3D Render Times

Need a 3d something designed

COG media can help you get your thingamy bob designed and animated and rendered.  Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

    Innovatum Smartsearch 3D Video for Trade Show

    Innovatium Smartsearch 3D Video

    Another exciting project was offered to us on the back of a trade stand design we produced last year.

    Innovatum tasked us with bringing the trade stand to life with animated sequences depicting all their services.

    A very simple storyboard was sent over with a few supporting photographs.  We quickly decided to reproduce the fish tank cutaway look we’d used before for the 3D video sequences.  This came with a whole set of issues we needed to come up with answers to.

    Nigel set about coming up with the technical aspects of designing a 3D scene that would work within the boundaries of the look we were after.

    Merging a clipping and object rigged scene with a lighting and texturing scene a working look came together.  Innovatium’s ROV could now fly around a vurtual  undulating sea bed with rocks and plants scattered about.  Lighting effects were used to simulated merky water with particle systems generating bubbles from the ROV’s motors.  Real world data was superimpose on to the 3D world to show how Innovatums technology works.  Cutaway 3D scenes based on board a survey vessel we’re used to show actual screens from real surveys.

    Artistic license was used to show the magnetizing of seabed cables in true Acme style cartoon way with a giant magetnet fixed to the back on a ship.

    The Cooking Guild Promotion Video Shoot

    The Cooking Guild Promotion Video Shoot

    Local business The Cooking Guild were in the need for a promotional video shoot showcasing one of their range of designer but functional kitchen knives. Wanting to show the versatility of the knives in a professionals hands. Extending what the client was after we also added in the 3D modelling of the knife allowing for a detailed flypast of the product that we just couldn’t get with camera in the real world.

    12 Screen Video Wall

    Sony Video Wall IBC 2010

    Cog Media win the contract to develop content for Sonys 12 screen video wall for  this years IBC, International Broadcasting Convention 2010 in the Rai, Amsterdam. You’ll be able to see the finished product from the 10th to the 14th of September. Work closely with the guys from InDeep how setup the 12 screen video wall running 12 full HD video streams created with Sonys own Ziris. Sticking closely to a Sony brief well be using a combination of 2D and 3D graphics and HD footage supplied by Sony.