3D miniatures online shop web site

Drunken Guard Logo and Web Site Design

Supporting young local start up business’ is at the heart of COG media’s ethos. So when someone very close to us needed a brand and online shop web site for their 3D Printing company we were delighted to get involved. 

3D miniatures online

Having known Fionnbharr from The Drunken Guard since he was a young lad we didn’t much in the way of a “getting to know you” meeting. This meant the logo and branding were in the bag very quickly. On the the eCommerce website. Wanting to keep the site clean but still appealing to the target audience a cartoon look was the route we went down. With pretty much all the imagery on the site coming from the various licences The Drunken Guard a few elements and styles were created ready for hand over.

Running a online shop

With server space and load times more and more important now, when the Woocommerce website was ready Fionnbharr came in for one on one training on good practise on how to add products and images. As all his 3D printed models are available in a number of sizes and delivery styles each variable product needed to be created with a few rules in mind, Very soon Fionnbharr was populating the site like a pro. 

Continuing Website Support

With some of our own projects in mind we continue to help and support The Drunken Guard to add new suppliers tweaks to the site… Still cant get him to blog, but you cant win everything. 

Need brand and website update?

COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start selling to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

    DWA Ecology Logo Design

    DWA Ecology Logo Design
    Creating a logos we have to get a real understanding of the people behind the logo and how the logo needs to work the the business. DWA Ecology logo design was no different, We had David over and got to know him and all about the company. Wanting for identify all the divisions and ecological areas DWA were active in, a multi icon logo was the main focus for the initial concepts. From the meeting the style of th existing log as given as a starting point. Running with this, a line based design in a boarded icon was the route we went down.

    Early vector line logo contents for DWA Ecology

    Providing both ecological and arboricultural consultancy specialising in surveys for protected species in relation to planning and development, including bats, badgers, great crested newts, reptiles and birds as well as flora and fauna it was difficult to nail to down to just three, so we extended with concepts to five icons. Switching from lined icons to solid to allow the logo design to work in smaller places it would be used 

    DWA Ecology Logo Concepts

    Not knowing our pipstril from our fruit bats a number of bats designs came and went, managing to avoid the BATMAN logo entirely we did fly close the the Smirnoff logo, not helped by the fact we had it in a red icon. After a few more meetings with David it became clear the badger icon and colouring was a stand out favourite so concentrating on that a final version of the logo and all its variations were created and can now be seen across all the DWA branding.

    All the brand development for all the other logos will not go to waste and will be division retailed along with their colours for reports and areas of the website. 

    DWA Ecology final logo design

    Deer Park Action Group Logo Design

    Deer Park Action Group Logo Design Download

    When campaigners for the Deer Park Action Group called on us for signatures for their petition, we offered our services to help support a worth cause. The Deer Park Action Group has been set up to protect the Deer Park in Old Catton, Norwich from construction development. We had already signed up the the Facebook page so we could keep up to date on the news on the Old Catton landmark.

    Kathy Branson, the chairwoman of the Deer Park Action Group got in contact a few days later asking if we could help out with a logo for all their platforms both digital and printed. We jumped at the task working from a quick sketch Kathy and sent over. Our early concept had a silhouette of the recently born foal with its distinctive white nose markings. The feedback came through from the group to replace the horse with a deer and add in a few birds for good measure and to establish the extent of the nature that calls the park home. A couple of changes later and the logo was finalised. We’re looking forward to see our logo popping up all over Old Catton in the coming weeks.

    Use the links below to download the logo. Just right click the logo and select the save as option.

    Deer Park Action Group Logo Design

    Mobility Brand and Website update

    Mobility Brand and Website update

    After the even if we say so ourselves “sterling job” we did for sister company BATHlifts.net the guys at Relax Mobility tasked us with their brand and website update. Drawing on the look and theme from the Bathlifts website the user expectance was a simple process. So it was on to the logo and colour scheme to set the brand rules for the website update.

    Keeping the same font across the both brands with a colour change for the Relax Mobility logo we added an avatar this time which was incorporated into the text of the logo. With recline a major part of all the products a reclined chair element became the X of relax. The client was unsure at first but was the logo was dropped in on the website header and marking materials the penny dropped and the logo was put to bed.

    Relax Mobility Logo

    When’s a shop not a shop

    Because of the nature of the products sold by Relax Mobility customers would require a home visit from one of their sales team to run thru the options, designs and fabrics available for both beds and chairs. With demo units and fabric books even Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen would be proud of customers can pick some funky colour schemes and bespoke finishes so their mobility furniture doesn’t have to have that care home look, perfect for the younger customer. To all the website to still function as a eCommerce site we had all the forward facing products listed as portfolios instead of products. This would allow the customers to read up and view all the benefits of the rise and recline products and then using the call to actions book and in home free visit. 

    Once a bed or chair had been selected the sales team can log into the site to gain access to the eCommerce part of the site. With all the variations and various discount structures all at the click of a dropdown and selection from a plethora of options and upgrades and accessories. A payment gateway allows for deposits and payments in full to be and with order forms and VAT handovers all being printed out onsite. Siting down with Mark to get an understand for the sales journey for both the client and sales person allowed us to work out the best and simplest route to market.

    Need brand and website update?

    COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start selling to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

      eSports players Photoshoot for SAF Team

      SAF EA Sports Players Norwich Photo Shoot
      There’s nothing like a last minute job and the eSports players photoshoot for newly rebranded SAF.gg was certainly that. With 48hrs to sort locations and get everyone in the same room at the same time was a big ask. Working with GH Photography a studio space and lighting was inplace and a hand full of lifestyle locations were scouted. Both eSports players were pretty much on time and soon the profile and supporting photos were underway. Firstly pulling the best from the team mates, swag and winning poses were worked to out and in the bag. Sporting SAF official merchandise and team shirts SAF MD Callum was pleased as his two young players relaxed in front of the camera.

      Outdoor Lifestyle Photo Shoot

      With all the play profiles sorted to EA Sports guidelines it was on to the lifestyle part of the shoot. Working the the tight deadline and player availability meant an evening shot was the only option. Just to throw a spanner in the works the perfect weather took a turn literally as we were leaning the studio. But rain did not stop play. With flashes and lights all in their rain proof covers we hit Norwich fully prepared. Urban and architecturally impressive locations were selected and the boys embraced the task at hand. In addition the rain added to the drama of some of the location and if anything added to the look and feel of the final images. With Callum happy with the evenings shoot it was back to the studio and time to process the selected photographs. Working late into the night and early the next morning the final photos were all processed and sent off to the client so they could fire them over to EA… All head of the deadline.  

      So you want a web site designed

      COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start promoting to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

        Serious About FIFA website and brand development

        Serious About FIFA Website and Brand Development

        COG media and please to now be working with SAF (Serious About FIFA). SAF is an eSports Team and community for hardcore FIFA players and pros looking to have in depth discussions around gameplay, tactics, news, esports, and more.  Serious About FIFA is the worlds largest paid SIP Discord in the world for the past two years. Taking on their existing website which required a lot to improvement to say the least. Firstly we updated the existing site to perform and comply with Google and corrected the imagery to match Serious About FIFA’s demographic.

        Then we set about updating the website to our tried and tested platform. Moving away from the Visual Composer back end to the more flexibly Elementor. Lifting the existing wording and imagery the site was quickly taking shape. Updating all the existing product line photos with new clean imagery all compressed for page speed the new site was close to being ready to go live. Whilst we were working on the back end of Woo-commerce online eCommerce shop we realised that COG media could bring a lot more to the SAF brand as well as the site. Taking on our own back we have a couple of prototype new products produced sporting the new slogan we came up with “I PLAY THEREFORE I AM…” 


        Product Development

        Once we had the mocks ready we drop a quick message to SAF and they were round to go over the ideas we can come up with. Embracing the new branding with the addition of adding gamer tags to the certain products we started to expand the items in online shop. Chill E Sports Bottles, Snapback Caps and Beanies were the first of out new items to hit the store with the first orders coming in only 24hrs after they added. 

        Moving on from the initial products we set out adding the the SAF brand. To keep the costs down we turned to 3D renders and Photoshop to create and develop new ideas and expand on existing one item products.

        Read all about it…

        Bringing a new way of blogging to Serious About FIFA… Put it up and keep it up! Blog posts were being removed after they had served their purpose. Blogs are an important part of search engine optimisation, with information and details based round your organisation. A suite of imagery was created for new team members, eSports news and all things FIFA. Keep the brand across the entire site is key.

        Serious About FIFA Mug Designs

        So you want a web site designed

        COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start promoting to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

          Your website will need to work smarter to kickstart your recovery

          Your website will need to work smarter to kickstart your recovery

          Every website exists to generate downloads/views/sales/signups/etc and as businesses look to kickstart their recovery post Covid-19 your website needs to deliver more.

          To deliver more, your website needs to be attracting the right people in the right volume.

          Social media adverts, SEO and pay per click adverts can all be great ways of boosting the traffic going to your website, but they can also be an expensive way of amplifying the wrong audience.

          The trick to all forms of digital marketing is to continually refine your campaigns to increase the return on your investment.

          You need to use the data you gather through Google Analytics, Google AdWords and your social media channels to inform your decision making.

          Don’t work on what you think you know, make your decisions based on what the data is telling you.

          Dynamic campaigns that are continually improved and tweaked based on data are the ones which deliver the biggest return on your investment and could be the catalyst for strong growth post Covid-19.

          Analysing this data properly takes time and at COG media we focus on your campaigns while your focus on your business.

          Our team knows how to spot patterns in your campaign data and can refine content output and campaign audiences to deliver the best possible results.

          Not all data is born equal, our team knows which data can be used to add the most value and deliver the best possible return for our clients.

          We can help you today!

          Speak to our team today to see how a digital campaign can help your business attract new customers and grow.

          New Website Design for Norwich Design Company

          New Website Design for Norwich Design Company

          Time for a new website design

          Taking advantage of lockdown, not able to take my Grand Tour through Europe it was  new website design time for COG media. Firstly upgrading our WordPress Technology to include the same editor we’ve been using for our clients over the last year. Secondly to take advantage of all the new projects we’ve been working on. New services came online as well adding marketing to our products.

          Website Design First steps…

          Backup all existing content Drawing on the existing website we backed up all the blogs and pages ready to drop into the new framework. When we revamp existing WordPress websites doing this backup will keep the site structure. This is always good practise to keep Google and other search engines happy. Now we had the old site ready to start designing the new look.  

          Fresh New Website Look

          Go big or go home… Moving away from the boxed look of the old COG media website we wanted to use the full screen available where possible. Keeping the site responsive on all platforms templates where created for full width image based headers. Our latest development platform allows us to quickly add control on how the page will look on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. Website performance is very important part of page design. Posts like the one you’re reading now got a full width feature image which greets you when you get to the post.  

          New Marketing Services

          Expanding our product offerings With our new website comes new services. Ed Colman joins COG media as a marketing consultant. This now means we can offer your business copy writing, email marketing, Public Relations and Communications. Along with a fresh approach to Social Media Promotion. So if you just starting out in business COG media can support your from your initial idea to launch day.  

          Website Search Engine Optimisation

          Getting our website design pages found

          Keeping up with all the new innovations with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) we reviewed all our pages and blog posts. Ensuring that the likes of Google and Bing could index our website. Adding to our blog posts with cleaning and informative content tells the world what your business is all about. So we have been back the the COG media vaults posts articles on past projects. So if you’re only just getting a business website blogs and posts can be back dated to keep a timeline of past work.

          So you want a web site designed

          COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start promoting to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

            Dereham business Barnes Print delighted with new site from COG media

            Dereham business Barnes Print delighted with new site from Cogmedia

            Dereham business gets the COG media treatment

            A family run business in Dereham that produce matchday programmes for non-league football clubs and cricket fixture booklets for grassroots cricket clubs are delighted with their new site delivered by COGmedia.

            Barnes Print E.A. Ltd, approached COGmedia in February 2019 and the site was built and delivered in under two weeks giving the business the chance to expand outside of East Anglia.

            Simon Barnes, the Managing Director of the company said he was delighted with COG media’s no-nonsense approach and focus on delivery.

            He said: “COG media were great, we knew needed a new website and told them what we were trying to achieve, and they made it happen.

            “They took the stress out of the project and hit every deadline they set, they listened to what we wanted and combined our requirements with their expertise to deliver a great website which has helped us to grow the business.

            “We are now getting far more football and cricket clubs find us on Google than ever before, we are easy for clubs to find and that’s helped us to pick up more partner clubs.

            “The site has also allowed us to upload our publications online for the first time in our history, the feedback from our advertisers and clubs has been great.”

            COGmedia were delighted to work with Barnes Print on their website revamp and continue to work with the business today to maintain their strong search engine performance.

            Our team could help your business just like we helped Barnes Print, so if you are looking for a new website or looking to get more out of your existing site contact us today.

            So you want a web site designed

            COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start promoting to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting!